
Showing posts from April, 2018


Someone is tired. Someone is about to give up. Someone is sacrificing his dreams, instead of sacrificing all he can. Don't give it up. Don't! This This for you. "No, I don't" "Yes you do!" "But I'm not talented enough" Well, you don't have to be talented enough, because you have what it takes. "But Lola is really good at it. Like, she's very good." Don't you know she started from somewhere too? Okay, I will tell you. The people you call champions today. The people you see as the best today. The people you think are very better today all started from somewhere. From the scratch. From knowing nothing, to knowing something๐Ÿ˜„  You need to accept the fact that the people above were once novice. Once upon a time, they've been on this stage before, fighting for their dreams. "Hmm.. Guess you're right." "Don't guess dear. You have what it takes. You can get there. You can becom...


"Every success story I've read, they fought through thick and thin. Let's ask someone who is about to give up. What will be your success story?" Each time I'm going through a tough situation, and I feel like breaking down๐Ÿ˜” I remind myself that hey, 'what will be your success story Yewande?' With that, I believe every tough, and hard time is preparing me for something greater tomorrow, when I would stand tall and say... "It wasn't easy, but look, I'm here. I'm a generational voice. I'm a proud writer. I'm a proud actress. And I'm an inspiring motivational speaker changing lives for good. I'm here, and it is worth it." ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜Š I don't know what you're going through right now, and you think that will be the *end of you* nooooooooooo... That thing is preparing you for something greater stronger Mightier You need to know how to turn *negativity* to *positive* I'm not rich now, *but one day I w...


HELLO FUTURE MOTHERS As a lady, I've always wonder what women dream about. What women hope for in life, and what women hope to change in today's world. Many women have decided, and have accepted to be locked up in a room, using children as an excuse. Many women have concluded to end their dreams in the kitchen.       Oh! But is that the only thing we are capable of? Okay, let me ask you. Is that the only thing you're capable of? To cook in the kitchen To be in the bedroom To take care of the children And take care of the family. Is that the things you can do? Is that what you want to end up doing? No! No! No! We have dreams. We are capable. We can control. We can contribute. We have what it takes. We have the abilities. The potentials, and the strength. Our dreams are more than just cooking in the kitchen. Our dreams are more than that. And one of it is to be a POSITIVE INFLUENCE. We can change the WORLD!! We are CAPABLE!!!